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GEC Concord 4 – View Event Buffer

Event buffer

You have the option to view the event history for each partition of your system. These events include arming, disarming, tampers, programming entries, and more. 

The system master code can view all events from any partition. The partition master code can only view global system events and events related to their respective partition. Regular user codes cannot view event history. 

      Note: Fixed display touchpads cannot be used to view the event history.

All partitions can view event history simultaneously, but only one touchpad at a time can view the history in each partition. While the event history is being viewed, all other controlling sources are disabled (except for panic alarm buttons) and nonviewing touchpads display VIEWING EVENT BUFFER.

To view event history:

  1. The current partition must be in Level 1 (disarmed).
  2. At an alphanumeric touchpad, press 8, system or partition master code, 8.
    1. The touchpad displays VIEWING EVENT BUFFER followed by the event description, date/time or details (user, source, zone, etc.). The most recent event appears first.
  3. Scroll through the events by pressing the A (back) and B (forward) keys. The C key is used to toggle the second line display between Date/Time and Details.
  4. Press * to exit viewing event history.
    1. The viewing event history mode will exit automatically after 1 minute of inactivity or when an alarm occurs. 

Event history information will appear as described below. For more information, it is recommended to consult the user manual.available at GEC Concord 4 – Manuals pages 47-54

  1. Partitions will display as P1 to P6, depending in which partition the event occurred.
  2. Current arming level will display as Lx, where x is the current arming level of the event.
  3. Zone will display as Zx, where x is the zone of the event.
  4. Bus unit number will display as Bx, where x is the unit number of the bus device.
  5. Source will display as Sxxx, where xxx is the source number in the event
  6. User will display as Uxxx, where xxx is the user number in the event (user codes 000 to 229 will be reported as U600 to U829).
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